Can A Cough And A Chest Rash Be Related
While you can experience these symptoms at the same time, they may not necessarily be related. For example, you could have a cough due to a cold and use a new laundry detergent that irritates your skin, causing a rash.
What Causes A Rash On The Chest Area?
The following are common viral infections that cause rashes on the skin including the chest. Chickenpox is caused by a varicella-zoster virus. It affects children very often. Fever, loss of appetite and headache are the first common signs of chickenpox before the rash (red or pink bumps) starts.
Can You Have A Cough And A Rash At The Same Time?
It can cause both a cough and a rash on the upper body or legs due to an infection from the spores. While you can experience these symptoms at the same time, they may not necessarily be related. For example, you could have a cough due to a cold and use a new laundry detergent that irritates your skin, causing a rash.
What Are The Symptoms Of A Cough And Skin Rash?
Cough and Skin rash. Symptoms of heartburn and GERD are a burning feeling in the chest, throat, or mouth, nausea, and more.
What Are The Symptoms Of A Cough And Chest Pain?
Pneumonia causes increased mucus production, which can trigger coughing. Persistent coughing, in turn, causes chest pain. Other symptoms of pneumonia include: high fever. chills. low appetite. sweating. fatigue.